14 Oct 2009

English Gematria

Part 1

I'm going to start with a little history of how it all began. Dates are not important, only that it began not long after 9/11 and I think that is significant. You see, the name associated with 9/11 is Osama bin Laden and I couldn't sleep on that special night, I don't mean 9/11, I mean the night that I awoke and couldn't get a song out of my head. I think the song is the cause of it all as the words translated from the Hebrew are: "You (O God), arise, have mercy on Zion, for it is time to have compassion on her for the appointed time has come." This is a verse from Psalm 102:14. At some stage I will come back to this verse but the practicalities was that I couldn't sleep. So I decided to play with English Gematria. Beyond Numerology I had not seen Gematria in the English language though after some investigation I found some websites that use the Placement Values (PV) as will be explained shortly. However, what I am going to reveal to you is just a part of a very extensive research into not only the Placement Value but into other systems that no one seems to have discovered up till now. The Placement value is straight forward. The set of values are given in the chart above.

Let's work out Osama bin Laden.

Osama = 15 + 19 + 1 + 13 + 1 = 49 = 7 x 7
bin = 2 + 9 + 14 = 25 = 5 x 5
Laden = 12 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 14 = 36 = 6 x 6

Now isn't that interesting. Each part of his name is a square number and these are consecutive squares. The total of his name is 25 + 36 + 49 = 110. I know what you're thinking. You are thinking "did I do this all in my head lying there on my bed? Answer: Yes. I am a maths teacher so figures come fairly naturely to me, I use them all the time. I worked out a few more Gematria in my head and then decided to get up and put things on paper. Well, it didn't work. I mean me falling back to sleep. Playing with Gematrias kept me up most of the night. From what I found I was sure I needed to inform the police. I had just stumbled on the most amazing code system and was sure I could decipher the next earthquake. Well not really. Just kidding. But there was something strange about the things I found. Let me give you some examples. Each of the towers of the Twin Towers had 110 stories/storeys and that's Osama bin Laden's name. 110 = 11 x 10 and this is where the number 11 comes in. Now let me show you some more Gematria:

One Hundred and Ten = 34 + 74 + 19 + 39 = 166
Twin Towers = 66 + 100 = 166

You'll need a calculator to check if I'm right. 9/11 can be written as Nine One One.

Nine One One = 42 + 34 + 34 = 110

What about Nine Eleven?

Nine Eleven = 42 + 63 = 105 = Jethro Black (Oops, that my name!) I mean 105 = Saviour.

That's not me. I can't save anything, not even money. But from this event I discovered just who the Saviour is. That story is not for now. First a few more Gematrias. We need to see if this system works, if it has any significance. To do that I believe you have to see enough examples to convince you that English Gematria works. So here are a few examples:

Tsunami = 97 = Tidal Wave
Snow White = 136 = Seven Dwarfs
Daniel Craig (present actor of James Bond) = 83 = James Bond
Pierce Brosnan (Previous James Bond actor) = 56 + 83 = 139 = Double O Seven
Heaven = 55 = Sky = Cloud
Holy = 60 = Pure
Glory = 77 = Power
Piano = 55 = Organ

I'm going to leave it there for the time being. Next time I'm going to reveal the next system of English Gematria that is so amazing.


  1. Simple(6,74) English(7,74) Gematria(8,74)... the key(74): A-B-C becomes 1-2-3(74) and GOD=7_4 with G the 7th letter, O is either the 15th letter or zerO and D is 4. 7/4=July 4th or 7 April 30 AD: Good(7__4) Friday when Jesus(74)/Y'shua(74)/ Joshua(74)/IESVS(74) the-king(74) of the Judeans(74) - the Jewish(74) Messiah(74) - the preacher(74) who taught parables(74) and entered Al Quds(74) on a donkey(74)/burro(74) was on the C3+R18+O15+S19+S19=74.

    'Step 1' of all gematrias is simply counting the number of letters(7) in a word(4)/name/phrase and that having symbolic meaning, i.e. a(1), bi-(2), tri-(3), quad-(4), penta-(5). GOD(3): the Holy(4) Trinity(7), David(5), Jesse(5), Jesus(5), Cross(5), crown(5), point(5,74). Odd(3) & even(4). Liberty(7) Bell(4), Lady(4) Liberty(7), Lady(4) Freedom(7) on Capitol(7) Dome(4)/Hill(4): 7/4=July 4th or 7 April. This is thee Masonic(7,74) Code(4).

    'Step 2' of all gematrias is an alphanumeric code/cipher where words/names/phrases with the same sum have a connect(74) between(74) them, i.e. Christ(77) who taught(77) with power(77) and glory(77).

    - Brad Watson(77/92), Miami

  2. Simple(6,74) English(7,74) Gematria(8,74)...

    Holy One=64
    Avraham=64 (Lincoln=64, he was 6'4", reelected in '64, and is buried in 64 sq. ft. of concrete)
    (a Mason's) apron=64
    Peter=64 (The Great Fire of Roma occured in 64 AD and St. Peter was crucified upside down in 64-66 AD)


  3. David=40=D4+A1+V22+I9+D4. Everyone knows that the teenage David slew Goliath. But few have actually read the Biblical story and taken note that Goliath had challenged the Israelites for 39 days before David accepted the challenge on the 40th day. King David was the ruler(74) for 40 years. So both 40 days and 40 years is connect(74)ed to David and 'David'=40. Is this a BIG 'coincidence' or does David=40 by design(58) and through science(58)? If it's by design, who designed it?! GOD and the Freemasons/Kaballists.

    The #40 is a recurring theme in the Bible where it first appears in Genasis(74) 7:4, "For in 7 days, it will rain for 40 days and 40 nights". The #40 is considered sacred by Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and 'Buddha'=40=B2+U21+D4+D4+H8+A1.

    1. This is very good of you. The Flag of Israel demonstrates this fact very clearly. On the flag we have a blue line at the top and a blue line at the bottom and a blue Magen David in the middle. BLUE = 40 = LINE = MAGEN = DAVID. If we lay out the words and numbers in the form of the flag we get the following:
      BLUE LINE = 40 + 40
      BLUE MAGEN DAVID = 40 + 40 + 40
      BLUE LINE = 40 + 40

      This forms a hexagon (= 74) which is the basis of the Magen David. In the layout above we have 7 forties. SEVEN FORTIES = 157 = SIXTY FOUR and ISRAEL = 64 = ZION = CHOSEN. So we have a connection between the flag of Israel and the name Israel. Now David has a Large Value of 361. You get the Large Value by doing the following. D = 4 and FOUR = 60 so 60 is the Large Value of D. A = 1 and ONE = 34 etc. This gives DAVID = 60 + 34 + 165 + 42 + 60 =361 = 19x19. Now, using the Palcement Values (PV) we have THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONE = 280 = 7 X 40. So now we have connected David to the Flag of Israel. The Placement Value of David is 40 and the Large Value is 361 and adding these gives the Whole Value (WV) which is 40 + 361 = 401. Doing the same with Saul will give SAUL = 401 (WV). This is because David took the place of Saul not only as king but also as a new dynasty. Be well.

  4. Jethro,

    I'm going to copy your explanation of the Flag of Israel onto my forum and give you credit. I already have this site as a link.

    I don't like "You get the Large Value by doing the following: D=4 and Four=60, so 60 is the Large Value of D". This just distracts from the truth of Simple(6,74) English(7,74) Gematria(8,74).

    Have you been on the Facebook page of...

    "Sacred Gematria - the Universal Language of God

    Gematria is a form of Divine Communication that transcends the limitations of language and brings one into a direct perception of the Divine Reality.

    Gematria is the pure language of the Divine. It is where language, number and symbol converge to communicate eternal truths. The real beauty of Gematria is that it transcends all sectarianism and personal opinion. Once the foundations of the Divine Language are grasped by the student of this Sacred Science, one can directly perceive divine realities that are self-existent and self-explanatory, leaving little room for faulty notions and the vain opinions of the human intellect.

    Come begin the journey of a lifetime and discover the most sublime secrets of this Sacred Universe. May all who seek the truth, find the truth and live in the light of truth."?

    Please go there and participate in the discussion! Peace.

  5. I just wrote the following on the Facebook page of Catholic Fundamentalism...

    It's now been proven that this universe behaves as a quantum computer where everything is connected and particles not only collide, they compute. Therefore, we have an additional definition of GOD: 'the universal quantum computer' (UQC).

    Where there is a computer, there are programs. And where there are programs, there are programmers, program #1 and programmer #1. The original programmer was God incarnate: the eternal soul of Jesus the Christ. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was GOD" (note the difference between 'God' and 'GOD'). Simple(6,74) English(7,74) Gematria(8,74) now reveals these secrets...

    program 1=74=P16+R18+O+G7+R18+A1+M13+1

    1. Hi Brad, been out of touch with my blog pages and have now come back to make more. Been making YouTube shows at present and now have about 50 shows. Here is one of my favourites if you want to display it on your forum. I think we have lots in common though we have some differences. It would be good to write to you using email so if you want to email at wow.discoveries7@gmail.com I can send you other links, samples and articles. I'll also discuss the question of Jesus as we see the Messiah as being different people. Take a look at this link on Reflection, any feedback would be welcome. You can see other shows for this page. http://youtu.be/4mipgW5TuXI
